[NEWS] Lee Juno admires HyunA’s legendary “Pelvic dance”

23 Jan


On MBC‘s 19th episode of the show – “Super Junior’s Foresight,” they had one of the legendary Korean dancers, popularly known as Lee Juno of Seo-Taiji and Boys as their guest.

With that, he showcased his never-dying talent in dancing and that left the MCs of the show including Super Junior’s leader, Leeteuk in amazement. On the interview, he also caught Leeteuk’s attention when he revealed that he admires 4Minute‘s main dancer, Kim HyunA.

Leeteuk actually asked the legendary dancer, “Among the idol dancers of this generation, who do you think dances well the most?”

He answered, “4Minute’s Kim HyunA’s solo song and dance is very catchy… She simply stands out whenever she performs it.”

On the other hand, another guest of the show added, “HyunA looks so good when she wears short shorts!”causing laughter from everyone on the show.

Meanwhile, Juno joined Eunhyuk, Super Junior’s Dance machine, completing an amazing dance performance stealing a lot of people’s interest.

*UPDATE: You can now watch the episode where this revelation happened:


Credit : @Dkpopnews.net


Satu Tanggapan to “[NEWS] Lee Juno admires HyunA’s legendary “Pelvic dance””

  1. Ladykyu13 23 Januari 2011 pada 11:22 AM #

    Waah.. Seru nih episode ini..

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